Republican Unitary Enterprise

Belarusian nuclear
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Friday, 03 April 2020

Ministry of Energy of Belarus estimates the possibility of increasing electricity exports to the EAEU

Written by BelTA

The Ministry of Energy is estimating the possibility of increasing the export of Belarusian electricity to the EAEU. Deputy Minister of Energy Vadim Zakrevsky announced this in parliament today, BelTA has learned.

Vadim Zakrevsky presented a draft law in the House of Representatives on ratification of the protocol on amendments to the agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union - in terms of the formation of a common electricity market.

"Estimating the opportunities for participation in the common market, we already see that the electric energy generated by our producers is competitive," Vadim Zakrevsky said.

The protocol, which the deputies ratified today, defines the ways of mutual trade in electric energy, as well as the stages of development of the common electric power market. “These stages correspond to the special opinion of Belarus on the concept of forming a common electric power market of the Union. This approach makes the states to have equal access to natural gas, which is an important factor for Belarus to form competitive offers on the general and domestic electric power markets,” the deputy minister emphasized.

Last modified on Friday, 03 April 2020
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