Republican Unitary Enterprise

Belarusian nuclear
power plant


Administrative and laboratory building (00UYA)

Vornyany village council, 2/7

Ostrovets district, Grodno region, Republic of Belarus 231220


NPP Information Center:


Reception: +375 (1591) 4-53-59, fax: +375 (1591) 4-54-00

HR department: +375 (1591) 45-357; +375 (1591) 46-697

Accounts department: +375 (1591) 46-358

NPP Information Center: +375 1591 46 605

Purchases: +375 (1591) 4-67-19, +375 (1591) 4-67-34

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Gosatomnadzor prepared answers to all questions received during public hearings

Written by Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus

On April 30, 2021, Gosatomnadzor held public hearings before issuing a license to operate power unit No. 1 of Belarusian NPP. Taking into account the epidemiological situation, the event was arranged in a "hybrid" mode using video conferencing. 9 active studios were involved, located in Ostrovets, Minsk and all regional centers, where citizens and representatives of the public were invited.

Everyone was given the opportunity to ask questions or make suggestions on the topic of the hearings and get answers to them. Accepting questions by e-mail was open from the moment the notice of public hearings was posted on April 23, 2021, until the day before the event. On the day of the hearing (April 30, 2021), questions were received from active studios. In total, the participants in the public hearings asked more than 70 questions. You can read the questions and answers here.

Last modified on Thursday, 13 May 2021
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