Taking into account the requests of government agencies and organizations, it is proposed to continue training at least 20 nuclear energy specialists annually in each of the five main professions in three universities and Minsk State Energy College.
In "nuclear physics and technology", "high energy chemistry" personnel will be trained at BSU, in "nuclear and radiation safety" - at A. Sakharov International State Ecological Institute, BSU. The design and operation of nuclear power plants will be taught at BNTU, BSUIR will conduct training in "electronic and information-control systems of physical sets".
To replenish the teaching staff of the departments of educational institutions with highly qualified personnel, the question of training highly qualified scientists and masters, including abroad, remains relevant. In 2021-2025, it is planned to send more than 10 people to postgraduate and master's programs in foreign countries.
About 500 people are currently undergoing training in nuclear power. In 2013-2019, more than 850 specialists graduated in five main professions, a third of the graduation was in demand at the construction site of Belarusian NPP and in staffing operating personnel, more than a third - in organizations related to nuclear energy and sources of ionizing radiation, the rest - in related branches of the economy. The volume of graduates made it possible to fully meet the needs of Belarusian NPP (at present, the operating personnel as a whole have been formed) and the entire nuclear power industry of the republic, the state program notes.