The meeting was opened with a welcoming speech by Mikhail Filimonov, Director General of Belarusian Atomic Power Plant Republican Unitary Enterprise. In his speech, the head of the enterprise dwelled on the most significant events of the past year, noted the most distinguished employees, outlined the tasks of the team for 2020 and, of course, congratulated all employees and their families on Energy Day, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
The solemn meeting continued with the awarding of the employees of the enterprise.
The diplomas of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Belarus marked the work of the head of the reactor department A. Kanyuki and the head of the project management group of the production department of the Capital Construction Department P. Khrolenkov. Gratitude of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Belarus was announced to N. Gutsu, a physics engineer at the reactor plant.
A large group of employees of the enterprise was awarded with Certificates of Appreciation and gratitude from Ostrovets Region Executive Committee, Ostrovets Region Council of Deputies, Belarusian NPP State Enterprise, the trade union committee of the enterprise, and Belaya Rus regional public organization.
Traditionally, during the solemn meeting, the results of the year-round sports contest of Belarusian NPP were summed up. The first place in the sports day was won by the combined team of the NPP training center and the communications department. The award for second place went to the reactor workshop. And the third place in the competition was taken by the team of the electric workshop.
As a musical greeting, all the participants in the solemn meeting received an excellent concert program prepared by the employees of Belarusian NPP state enterprise.