Republican Unitary Enterprise

Belarusian nuclear
power plant


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Vornyany village council, 2/7

Ostrovets district, Grodno region, Republic of Belarus 231220


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Friday, 02 August 2024

Training of Belarusian NPP personnel is a priority

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The meeting of the training and methodological council was held at Belarusian NPP. At the meeting, a report on the implementation of the decisions of the previous training and methodological council was heard, the results of the activities of the training center of the NPP on personnel training were considered, the training program was recommended for approval, and proposals from the structural divisions of the enterprise on improving the personnel training system of Belarusian NPP were discussed.

The council was chaired by the General Director of state enterprise Belarusian NPP Sergei Bobovich with the participation of the heads of the structural divisions for the operation of the NPP and the training center of the NPP.

Deputy Head of the Training Center Oleg Zhenov reported on the implementation of the decisions of the previous TMC, informed those present about the interaction of the Training Center with the Rosatom Technical Academy, the methodological work of the NPP training center, and the activities of the center to prepare personnel for personnel licensing.

It was noted that the employees of Belarusian NPP received 113 permits (licenses) from Gosatomnadzor for the right to carry out work in the implementation of activities in use of atomic energy. Work is underway to obtain the remaining 22 permits. 

This means that a stable trend has been formed at Belarusian NPP for the advanced formation of a personnel reserve for the nuclear power plant operating services and the enterprise’s management personnel, taking into account the production needs at the current moment in time.

Oleg Zhenov said that in the first half of 2024, 462 employees of Belarusian NPP were trained in educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation. 1,460 people were trained at workplaces in structural divisions and at the training center.

The development and support of educational, methodological, production and technical documentation is the most important area of ​​work of the Training Center. This year alone, 126 sets of documentation of training sessions, 9 computer training systems and 83 posters were revised. 11 new sets of educational and methodological materials were developed. The development of 190 individual training programs and 96 programs for maintaining qualifications was ensured.

After reviewing, the council members recommended for approval the training and program documentation developed by the Training Center for educational programs for advanced training of executives and specialists "Leadership and Management for Ensuring Safety. Safety Standards", "Safety and Management", "Physical Nuclear Safety of Nuclear Facilities", "Environmental Protection and Energy Saving" and others, training for which will be arranged at the Training Center.

The meeting ended with consideration of proposals from structural divisions on the arranging of training. All proposals were accepted for work.

Summing up the results of the training and methodological council, the general director of the enterprise S. Bobovich noted the great work that the training center is made to prepare personnel for the nuclear power plant and focused on the need to ensure 100 percent effective output from each employee on the efforts that the training center of the NPP puts into their training.

Last modified on Friday, 02 August 2024
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