Republican Unitary Enterprise

Belarusian nuclear
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Monday, 26 June 2023

Read the latest issue of «Energy Strategy» magazine

Written by Department of information and public relations

The key topic of the issue is energy integration within the framework of the Union State, the CIS and the Eurasian Economic Union. A number of information messages are devoted to this topic, as well as materials on the results of the II Eurasian Economic Forum and the participation of Belarusian power engineers in the International Exhibition “Eurasia is Our Home” (“News”). The integration theme was developed in the article by the Director of the EEC Energy Department V.A. Zakrevsky on the main aspects of ensuring the energy security of the EAEU countries ("Priorities").

A striking event for the energy sector of Belarus was the start of the stage of pilot operation of the second power unit of the BelNPP. It was reflected in the news block. Other topics of the section include an updated version of Directive No. 2, digital technologies, news of Belarusian and world energy.

The issues of nuclear safety are discussed in the article on the fulfillment by the Republic of Belarus of obligations under the Convention on Nuclear Safety and a scientific study on the management of high-level radioactive waste generated both during the operation of the BelNPP and during its decommissioning (“Nuclear Energy”, “Science to Energy”).

An interview with the First Deputy Director of the State Production Association "Beltopgas" D. Shavlovsky (“Safety and Labor Protection”) shows the requirements of Directive No. 1 implemented in the organizations of the State Production Association "Beltopgaz" and what results the association managed to achieve in this work.

Industry specialists will be interested in the concept of creating a digital twin of Belarusian energy system (“Power Industry”), the experience of UE “Grodnooblgaz” in implementing digital projects (“Gas Supply”), and the development trends of the global electricity market (“World Experience”).

Traditionally, the magazine publishes comments on new industry standards and other TNLA, reviews of new legislative acts for May - June 2023 (“Standardization and Law”).

More information about the contents of the magazine can be found here

Last modified on Monday, 26 June 2023
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