During the practical part, the first group of students visited the block and central control panels of the nuclear power plant, a standby diesel power station, a reactor and turbine building, and a 330 kV SF6 switchgear. Experts noted the modernity and reliability of the applied separate technical solutions implemented in this plant project: the presence of four independent safety channels, the use of a mobile diesel power station with a complete blackout.
Representatives of the State Production Association "Belenergo" got acquainted with the workplaces of the operators of the block control panel on the full-scale simulator of the training center, where the control of the power unit were demonstrated under various operating modes of the NPP.
In the final part of the training, an exchange of views and experience took place on topical issues: distribution and sale of electrical energy in Belarus, commissioning of high-voltage lines, re-equipment and modernization of existing power plants and boiler houses, planned integration of nuclear power plant into the power system.
To get acquainted with the design features of Belarusian NPP, it is planned to arrange training for another 4 groups of managers and specialists of the State Production Association "Belenergo" by the end of this year. This kind of training is a common practice at all facilities of Belarusian energy system. When new generating or distribution facilities are commissioned, managers and specialists of the operational level almost always arrange on-site technical training for the subsequent efficient management of the unified energy system of Belarus.
Information: From January 1, 2020, Belarusian NPP became part of the State Production Association Belenergo. This solution creates a unified technical policy in the field of electric power generation in the Republic of Belarus. The issue of integrating Belarusian NPP into the country's energy system is very important: the power start-up of the nuclear power plant is not far off and 2,400 new megawatts of electrical energy will become a stable base of the energy system, and this capacity cannot be ignored.
Work in this direction has been carried out since 2014. In order to ensure the delivery of electric power from Belarusian NPP, the investment project “Construction of NPP in the Republic of Belarus. Power delivery and communication with the power system." Over 1000 km of overhead power transmission lines 330 kV were built, about 700 km of operating 110-330 kV overhead lines, four 330 kV substations were reconstructed.