"The Republic of Belarus has become the owner of a block built using the most modern generation 3+technologies. The reference value of this technology has already been confirmed by the operation of similar power units in Russia. They meet all post-Fukushima safety requirements, and all IAEA missions have recognized their reliability. It is very important for us that we built the first foreign VVER-1200 unit in the Republic of Belarus, a fraternal country for us," said Alexey Likhachev, Director General of Rosatom.
Last Friday (August 7), the first power unit of Belarusian NPP (the general designer and general contractor is the engineering division of the Rosatom state corporation) began loading nuclear fuel.
The first fuel assembly with fresh nuclear fuel was loaded into the reactor core. By the end of the month, 163 fuel assemblies will be loaded sequentially.
After loading the fuel, the reactor will be brought to a minimum controlled level (1% of power) with appropriate research. From this moment on, the reactor acquires the status of a nuclear power plant. After confirming the reliability and safety of the power unit operation at the design parameters, the power start-up stage will begin, the unit will be included in the power grid for the first time.
Unit 1 of Belarusian NPP became the first unit of the latest generation 3+, built using Russian technologies abroad. Currently, three power units of this type are operated in Russia: two at Novovoronezhskaya NPP and one at Leningradskaya NPP. In addition, in July, construction was completed and start-up operations began on the fourth Russian generation 3+ power unit, unit 6 of Leningrad NPP.
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