Republican Unitary Enterprise

Belarusian nuclear
power plant


Administrative and laboratory building (00UYA)

Vornyany village council, 2/7

Ostrovets district, Grodno region, Republic of Belarus 231220


NPP Information Center:


Reception: +375 (1591) 4-53-59, fax: +375 (1591) 4-54-00

HR department: +375 (1591) 45-357; +375 (1591) 46-697

Accounts department: +375 (1591) 46-358

NPP Information Center: +375 1591 46 605

Purchases: +375 (1591) 4-67-19, +375 (1591) 4-67-34

Monday, 02 March 2020

Reception of citizens in Ostrovets was held by Deputy Minister of Energy Mikhail Mikhaduk

Written by «Astravetsky Prauda»

– Receptions of citizens are important for interaction between the authorities and the local population, in order to understand their needs and respond more quickly to citizens' appeals,- the  deputy energy minister is confident.

Last year, in order to increase electricity consumption in connection with the construction of Belarusian NPP, special tariff groups were made in the country with preferential electricity consumption for heating houses and apartments and hot water supply. Tariffs turned out to be attractive for the population and immediately the number of calls in this direction increased in the country.

Mikhail Mikhaduk is aware of the problems that exist not only in the region of construction of Belarusian NPP, but also in other parts of the country in the electrical network system.

– Unfortunately, we are not 100% ready to satisfy all citizens’ requests for connecting electric boilers, because the entire electric network infrastructure - power lines, transformer substations - were built according to standards that were 3.5 and 5 kilowatts for a rural house and city apartments, respectively. – Mikhail Mikhaduk said.

In connection with the growth of appeals, the Ministry of Architecture and Construction made a new regulatory document, according to which since last year, electricity networks for new housing and the reconstruction of old networks have been built according to new standards - up to 20 kilowatts per house.

– We take every appeal of citizens for control. And we make appleal based on the availability of funds. All events are very expensive and the funds allocated under the "Comfortable Housing" program are not enough. They primarily go to the preparation of engineering infrastructure for the newly commissioned housing with electric heating. However, at the same time, today we are trying to solve existing problems from our own resources, – Mikhail Mikhaduk underlined. - We look at the priority of reconstruction of electric networks, we pay attention to where there are more appeals and where it is technically possible. The fact is that many of our lines are not depreciated, and if they are modernized ahead of schedule, this will bring losses to the enterprise - this point should also not be forgotten.

Three people came to talk to the Deputy Minister of Energy. Two appeals dealt with the issues of connecting electric heating for heating a house, and one related to the electrification of a country cooperative.

– I say once again, there is a problem. Today, the owners of summer cottages are mainly pensioners, at one time they did not electrify due to various circumstances. Today, the law says that internal electricity networks should be connected at the expense of citizens. All appeals are reviewed and taken under control. Let's see how to better solve the issues of connecting power supply.


Last modified on Monday, 02 March 2020
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