Republican Unitary Enterprise

Belarusian nuclear
power plant


Administrative and laboratory building (00UYA)

Vornyany village council, 2/7

Ostrovets district, Grodno region, Republic of Belarus 231220


NPP Information Center:


Reception: +375 (1591) 4-53-59, fax: +375 (1591) 4-54-00

HR department: +375 (1591) 45-357; +375 (1591) 46-697

Accounts department: +375 (1591) 46-358

NPP Information Center: +375 1591 46 605

Purchases: +375 (1591) 4-67-19, +375 (1591) 4-67-34

Friday, 10 January 2020

School of «atomic» guides starts working

Written by Department of information and public relations

Students of gymnasium No. 1 in Ostrovets are preparing for excursions in the information center of the NPP.

Since 2009, the nuclear power plant’s information center has been informing residents and guests of Ostrovets about nuclear power and the construction of the Belarusian NPP. Every day, 2-3 excursion groups become guests of the center, and in total more than 20 thousand people visited it.

Excursions for visitors are made by employees of the state enterprise "Belarusian NPP". However, apparently, soon they will have voluntary assistants from among the students of the gymnasium, which is located next to the information center.

The administration of the educational institution took the initiative to train young guides, and it was warmly supported in the information center.

On January 10, 2019, the first lesson took place with children who wanted to study Belarusian NPP better and pass on their knowledge to their peers. And even though, in connection with the holidays and their accompanying trips to grandparents, only two people attended the first lesson, as they say, dashing trouble is the beginning. Already by the next lesson, the team of tour guides promises to increase in order to “turn their shoulders” over to employees of the NPP information center in communication with young visitors, who make up a significant part of the guests of the information center.

Last modified on Friday, 10 January 2020
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