Republican Unitary Enterprise

Belarusian nuclear
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Friday, 15 June 2018

The Council on the partner review of the results of the stress tests of BelNPP presented the findings of European experts

Written by BelTA

The Council on the partner review of stress tests results of BelNPP presented the findings of European experts during the visit to Belarus on June 12-14, BelTA learned from the Gosatomnadzor.

During the visit, the commissioner for the European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG), the Council for the Partner Review of the Results of the Stress Tests of Belarusian NPP, led by the Head of Slovak Nuclear Regulatory Authority Marta Zhiakova, presented and discussed with the Gosatomnadzor, key Belarusian experts, representatives of Belarusian NPP, Russian designers, the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, the results of the work of European experts on the preparation of the report on the partner review.

According to the schedule of activities for holding the partner review, the publication of the final version of the report of European experts on the ENSREG website is expected in early July 2018.

Earlier, the group of experts authorized by ENSREG from the regulatory authorities of nuclear safety in Austria, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Hungary, Germany, France, Finland, Slovakia, Sweden, Greece, Slovenia, Ukraine, Spain and Lithuania examined Belarusian national report on stress tests, received remotely additional information in the form of answers to questions, as well as when visiting Belarus and the construction site of BelNPP in this March.

During the current visit, the Council of the Partner Review presented the draft report and conclusions made by European experts to study the information on the sustainability of Belarusian NPP against unfavorable external environmental factors. On June 13, the Council delegation visited the construction site of Belarusian NPP.

Presenting the results of the Partner Review, the head of the group of European experts Mark Foy (representative of the UK regulatory body) noted the compliance of Belarusian national report on stress tests with the requirements of ENSREG, a significant amount of additional information submitted in a short time by Belarusian side to the national report and the openness of the host party when working with experts.

The head of the Council of the Partner Review Martha Zhiakova expressed the opinion that the stress tests of the NPP and the measures to improve safety based on their results are a clear demonstration of the evolutionary principle of ensuring security, according to which measures should be taken to improve it on regular basis.

The Head of the Gosatomnadzor Olga Lugovskaya noted the practical benefits of carrying out stress tests and the Partner Review. In fact, some of the measures to improve security in respect to the results of the stress tests of Belarusian NPP are already being implemented. The recommendations of the European experts along with their own conclusions of Belarusian side set out in the national report on stress tests will serve as the basis for the development and subsequent implementation of the National Plan for Strengthening the Security of Belarusian NPP.

Stress tests of Belarusian NPP were carried out in 2016 in response to obligations voluntarily accepted by Belarus in accordance with the European methodology. At the same time, the hypothetical impact of such natural factors on the station and its power units as earthquakes, floods, extreme weather conditions and their combination, as well as the consequences of power failure of the NPP and loss of coolant (water). Based on the design parameters of the plant and its safety systems, an assessment was made of the consequences of such events. The main conclusions of Belarusian National Report - the safety systems of Belarusian NPP are developed in respect to the comprehensively examined external events, the buildings, facilities and equipment of Belarusian NPP are designed in accordance with the current regulatory framework, there are safety reserves.

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